- Brotherhood of steel fallout 4 far harbor location full#
- Brotherhood of steel fallout 4 far harbor location series#
Partystarter A missile launcher that does 50% more damage against humans.

Location: Sold by Arturo in Diamond City.
Brotherhood of steel fallout 4 far harbor location full#
Old Faithful A laser gun that deals double damage when the enemy is at full health. Location: A reward for completing Cabat House. Lorenzo's Artifact A Gamma gun that uses Telekinesis to push enemies away. Location: In libertalia in the Captains cabin. Les Fusil Teribles A shotgun that offers 25% more damage and limb damage, but with a penalty to stability. 44 pistol that refills your Action Points on a Critical Hit. Location: Weapon is sold by Penny in the Covenant. Justice A shotgun that has a chance to stagger enemies. Location: In ArcJet Systems, can be collected during or after the Brotherhood of Steel quest: Call to Arms. Junk Jet A gun that fires junk including anything from teddy bears to tin cans. Location: Reward from The Institute: Airship Down quest. Institute Beacon This grenade spawns Synths at the beacon's location. Location: A reward for completing Side Quest: Here There be Monsters. Homing Beacon Calls in a missile stike from zoo's sub. Location: Can be built with materials found in the basement of the HalluciGen Inc labratory. HalluciGen Gas Grenade A grenade that has a chance to frenzy enemies for 60 seconds. Location: Inside Hubris Comics in a display case. Grognak's Axe Enemies will stagger more and suffer bleed damage. Location: Claim it from the Gunner leader Clint at the elevated freeway camp. Location: Sold by Trudy in the Drumlin Diner Good Intentions A laser gun that causes enemies to frenzy. General Chao's Revenge A Chinese officer's sword that does 50% more damage to robots. This is a simple boss fight that starts when you walk into the pond, just watch out for the one hit rock attacks that'll kill you. Location: Remove the threat of Swan from the Boston common. Furious Power Fist A more powerful melee attack that provides increased damage following consecutive hits on the same target. You can steal it from him during any of these quests: Institute Quest: Airship Down, The Railroad Quest: Precipice of War. Final Judgement A laser gatling cannon with 25% faster fire rate and 15% faster reload speed. Location: Sold by Institute Requisitions in The Institute area. Experiment 18 A A plasma gun with 25% faster fire rate and 15% faster reload speed. Location: A reward from Detective Case Files: Long Time Coming. Deliverer Location: A reward from The Railroad Quest: Tradecraft. Location: A reward for completing the Side Quest called Devil's Due. Deathclaw Gauntlet Devastating melee weapon that ignores armour. Location: Sold by Proctor Teagan once you reach the rank of Paladin. Death from Above A missile launcher that gives you 75% faster movement speed while aiming. Broadsider Location: Reward from the Last Voyage of the U.S.S Constitution quest. Big Jim A Pipe wrench that has a 20% chance to cripple the enemy's leg. Location: Sold by Arturo in the Diamond City. Big Boy A Fat Man weapon that shoots an additional projectile. AX90 Fury A plasma gun that does 50% more damage against Super mutants. Location: Given as a reward before The Minuteman Quest: The Nuclear Option. Automatic Laser Musket A full auto version of the laser musket. Location: Reward for siding with Fahrenheit at the end of The Big Dig side quest. Ashmaker An MS16 that has a chance to set enemies on fire. Location: A reward under the Jamaica Plain City Hall.
Brotherhood of steel fallout 4 far harbor location series#
Unique Weapons List 2076 World Series Baseball Bat A baseball bat that can send enemies flying. Some of my favourites so far include the Automatic Laser Musket - a laser musket weapon that can fire in full auto mode Lorenzo's artifact - uses telekinesis to push enemies away and the Wazer Wifle - a laser gun with unlimited ammo. In all cases, I will list the locations and prerequisites required to get each of the unique weapons in the game. Players should note that some unique weapons are rewards from quests, others are sold by vendors in the wasteland whilst a few exceptions can simply be found in certain locations e.g Les Fusil Teribles and Big Jim. In this post I'm going to list each of the Unique weapons in Fallout 4 including full details on how you find them. These weapons offer a variety of bonuses such as the chance to set enemies on fire, additional stagger effects and even unlimited ammo in some cases. Unique weapons are essentially the best weapons in the game known as rare or master items in any other RPG.